Mosaic Gift for my lovely Friend Debbie ‘Happy Birthday to You’

Why not learn to make stunning mosaic gifts for friends & family !! My wonderful friend had her Birthday yesterday and I wanted to make her something nice to put a candle into for those Summer evenings that are not too far away now.. 😀

I started with a vase, a nice square tall one I got from my local charity shop…..
Look around in these shops as you can pick them up for good prices… this one cost me £3 I cut mirror into circles and little petal shapes out of cobalt glass I am using clear silicone to glue them on with, quick drying and waterproof..

I used small black glass beads for the top edge..

And made little butterflies with copper wire for antennae.. In my classes you will learn glass cutting skills so you can create shapes to use on your mosaics..

Also if you look closely there are some great ladybird beads I bought on Ebay..

It was a lengthy process but very worthwhile. And then the grouting process, which is the messy bit…. But the result was a personal gift for my beautiful friend Debbie… 😀 😀

If you like what you see, and would love to be able to create some
fabulous items like these, then book here now!! I can guarantee a great day out, with so much to take home!
‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBBIE’ xx hope you liked it….